Necessity is…the Mother. As BC restarts, join us for our first #covidlife online edition and last reading until the fall! Whether you want to read, or watch/listen and give feedback afterward – we’d love you to be with us. Short and sweet — Scripting Aloud’s next event on Saturday, May 30 reads THE FOURTH ANGEL (short, comedy) by Henry J. Mah, along with a guided vocal warm-up for all participants from our community partner for this event, ACTg Vancouver. Additional thanks to explorASIAN for helping put the word out! Local creator in attendance.
SIGN UP to get the private Zoom meeting link
***UPDATE*** Interested to read? Sign up at the link above! PERFORMERS WILL BE PRE-CAST FROM THE SIGN-UP LIST and contacted the FRIDAY before the reading, for a 30 minute pre-call on the day from 2:00 pm. Event starts with intro and vocal warm-up, from 2:30 pm.
VOCAL WARM-UP DEETS: Approx. 10 min, includes vocal scales and some light breathing work (gain more insight into how to breathe properly for performance/public speaking, and where the breath is going in your bodies).
$2 Membership* fee is waived for this reading.
Cross-cultural scripts and writers — for our cross-cultural community, and a borderless audience. If this is your reality (or you want it to be), this event is for you!
*Scripting Aloud is a registered BC non-profit, producing script development and live staged reading events for 19+ attendees (same idea as film festival society membership fees)
EVENT START/INTRO: 2:30 pm – 2:45 pm
VOCAL WARM-UP: 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
READING/Q&A: 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
BREAKDOWN: Full breakdown (+logline+synopsis) on the day, prelim below –
LEAD: 1 Role (1 Female)
1 Female, Asian Canadian – early 30s
SUPPORTING: 2 Roles (2 Female)
1 Female, MENA – early 30s
1 Female, Caucasian – early 30s
PRINCIPLE: 3 Roles, Open Age/Ethnicity (2 Open Gender, 1 Male)
ACTOR: 4 Roles, Open Age/Ethnicity (2 Open Gender, 1 Female, 1 Male)
And if you’ve been “here” before: You know what this is, you know what to do! After a decade hiatus (something-something Life Happened), Scripting Aloud — Vancouver’s “reading diversity” public staged script development platform — returns. Our regular season runs fall through spring annually.